Although this is an elegant and beautiful piece of jewellery in its own right, what makes it really special is the inscription inside which reads "Make du'a and have hope".
The reason I chose to focus on du’a (supplication to Allah) is because this plays a major role in our relationship with Allah. When the servant of Allah (God) makes du’a it affirms that they trust, rely upon and are in need of the help of the Most Merciful One.
Allah tells us that He will respond to sincere du’a in this verse “And your Lord says: Call upon Me, I will answer you” (Quran: Surah Ghafir, verse 60).
Through this verse, we are reminded that it is important never to lose hope that Allah will respond to our du’as with whatever is good for us, even if we can’t always see the goodness in the situation at the time.
I really wanted this beautiful bangle to be a constant reminder that du’a is a form of worship and one of the most powerful ways we have for connecting with our Creator. I hope you love both the bangle and the reminder as much as I do in sha Allah.
High Shine Mirror Finish Stainless Steel with crystals
Features a clasp fitting with a clip for extra security